Strewing Calendars

Done For You!Daily celebrations to spark your child’s curiosity.

 Weekly Resource Links   ✓   Fun ways to Learn  ✓   Strewing Ideas ✓  Monthly Printable Calendar


Subscribers-Only Portal

Showing Subjects related to every day of the month's activity!
Perfect for those who worry or need to show progress on their state requirements.

Celebrate Every Month

The world is chock full of so many interesting things. The Unschooling Mom2Mom Strewing Calendars are fabulous ways to spark curiosity about things you and your child may not have thought of or otherwise considered.

​​For each month, we've identified something to be celebrated daily - from Kindness Day to National Ice Cream Day. The concepts are meant to inspire you and your children, but how you enjoy and explore the topics is up to them. In fact, you may find that your kids start reminding you of something they want to celebrate because they noticed it on the Strewing Calendar. Parents love the calendars for their ready-made daily creative ideas.


Once you subscribe, expect to receive an email a couple of days before the first of each month. It will have a PDF with a printable calendar and a page with suggested links for each day's mini-celebration. Then, all you have to do is strew your Strewing Calendar!

Choose a subscription plan to fit your needs:

6 Months

You’re on a roll with strewing and enjoying all the new discoveries each day brings. All these great ideas for only $5/month.




12 Months

Make the Strewing Calendar a part of your daily life all year round. Sign up for this plan 12 months for the price of 10. Our best deal!



First, What is Strewing?

Strewing is simply placing things in a child’s path to discover. Or not.

What to put in their paths? Toys, odd items around the house that haven’t been considered recently, items from nature, and curious finds. But strewing also includes things like conversations or excursions out into the community. Strewing is about finding something you think your child might find interesting and letting go of any expectations of whether they do or not. But, of course, there’s more to it, and Sue shares her wisdom on the podcast: “What Is Strewing?

Unschooling Guide: Strewing

Need more information on strewing, along with benefits, insights, ideas, and resources? Sue created this guide for you! 

This Unschooling Guide will walk you through what strewing is and isn't without all the conflicting information found on the internet.

Strewing Guide

See what Parents Say about the Strewing Calendar!

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    "I love the new calendar format, Sue! I put it on the wall in my son's 'corner' and he actually noticed it! We talked about it and added birthdays of family and friends. Planning a trip to the pizzeria on Saturday for Pizza Day!" -Susan

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    "We 100% LOVE the calendar. I post it up somewhere my kids can see it and they look at it daily. We don’t always do something to celebrate the day, but it is one way we keep inspiration flowing." -Becky

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    "Combined sewing machine day and flag day. Made homemade Tibetan Peace Flags while talking about what the real ones mean and touching on cultural appropriation and that our are a little symbolic tribute. And that our prayers of peace compassion wisdom and courage are flying in the breeze out into the world ❤ (I’m REALLY loving the strewing calendar )" -Holly

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    "We post it on our refrigerator. My youngest loves it. It also helps learning how a calendar works, numbers, days, months. The kids usually let me know if there is a day that is really interesting to them and we then do more related to that day. It makes things more fun and we all seem to enjoy it" - Elexis

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    "We love it! It’s fun to share with our friends what holiday it is too! We haven’t done much research on any of the days (except on how to talk like Yoda) but that doesn’t mean we haven’t enjoyed having a theme for the day or even a back-up plan. Thank you!" -Angie

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