Refund Policy

We stand behind our products and your satisfaction with them is important to us. 

Digital Products/PDFs and ebooks

However, we generally offer no refunds for our digital goods delivered via Internet download. If you change your mind about your purchase, or made a mistake in ordering -  and you have not downloaded our product - we will happily issue you a refund upon your request. We will deduct a 7% administrative fee charge. 

Each of the products are pictured with descriptions and pricing specifics in the shop.

Refund requests made after you have downloaded our product are handled on a case by case basis and are issued at our sole discretion. Refund requests, if any, must be made within three (3) days of your original purchase.

Need a PDF Update?
If your PDF has been updated, usually due to resource links changing, you may request the updated version at no charge by
completing this form with an explanation of the problem. Please include the email used for the purchase and estimated date of purchase if possible.

Membership and subscriptions
are not refundable. The client will have opportunity and access to all purchased materials for the duration of their purchase contract time frame.


If a Calendar subscription client upgrades to membership, because their calendar is included in the membership benefits, the calendar subscription will be paused and the remaining months will be restarted after they leave the membership, if so desired.


Individual sessions are not refundable. 

If a package is purchased with coaching at a discounted rate, refunds for the unused portions will be available on a case by case basis, if the request is made within 30 days.

Contact Us & Customer Complaints

If you are dissatisfied with the service provided to you and you are eligible for a refund under this Policy, you must send an email to Coaching@SuePatterson.com  stating your complaints and we will immediately begin the process.
Refunds are issued at our discretion as they may be accepted or rejected. Or
use the form here.

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